API Reference
The Application REST APIs allow system administrators and Application Providers to send downlinks and Register/Activate/Deactivate Devices for an Application. An API key is required to authenticate API usage. API keys are created and managed in the API Keys view.
Response messages are JSON-formatted.
To get started with the Application APIs, see the Swagger API Documentation.
Uplink API
Device uplink messages heard by one or more gateways are relayed to the network server which in turn the server securely forwards the data to an IoT platform.
For more information on the data streaming endpoint implementation, see the Swagger Data Stream Documentation.
Application Payload
In addition to streaming the payload data (pdu), network information is included. Optionally, RF information about each transmission can be added by enabling "Include RF Data" in the notification target's configuration.
The SenRa Network supports the standard JSON object model where each object contains one-to-many key/values pairs. The JSON object is in the following format:
"Key":"String Value",
"Key": Numeric Value
Note: SenRa may add additional fields during future Portal updates. Please ensure that the Application ignores any unknown fields and continue to parse the notification data. Duplicate uplinks are also available on Production with a Contract.
All JSON-formatted data contains the following default fields:
FieldName | DataType | Category | Description |
devEui | String | Default | 64-bit Extended Unique Identifier of the Device transmitting the message |
gwEui | String | Default | 64-bit Extended Unique Identifier of the Base Station that received the message. Without Duplicates included this identifies Base Station that first relayed the message, though not necessarily the one preferred for downlink communication. |
joinId | Number | Default | Incrementing Integer used to Identify the last join |
pdu | String | Default | Protocol Data Unit or Customer Payload data |
port | Number | Default | 0 indicates that the FRMPayload contains MAC commands only and 1..223 are Application specific |
seqno | Number | Default | Incrementing Integer used to Identify an uplink |
txtime | String | Default | Time the message was received by the Network Server |
channel | Number | RF Field | Frequency Channel of the transmission |
datarate | Number | RF Field | Integer that maps to a spreading factor, bandwidth and bitrate |
freq | Number | RF Field | Transmit Frequency in MHz |
rssi | Number | RF Field | Received Signal Strength Indicator reported by receiving Gateway |
snr | Number | RF Field | Average Signal to Noise Ratio reported by receiving gateway |
ismBand | String | RF Field | The ISMBand (US915,EU868,EU433,CN779,AU915,CN470, etc) reported by the receiving Gateway |
maxPayload | Number | RF Field | Max Payload size in bytes that can be sent at the current datarate by this Device |
appEui | String | Optional | The Application's IEEE EUI-64 identifier. |
ack | Boolean | Optional | Flag indicating if the uplink was acknowledging the receipt of a downlink |
ackDnMsgId | Number | Optional | When present, indicates that a Device has acknowledged a specific downlink message ID |
devClass | String | Optional | LoRaWAN Class designation ("A", "B", "C") of the Device |
devType | String | Optional | The type of the Device |
dup* | Boolean | Optional | Flag indicating if the uplink was already forwarded because it was heard by multiple Gateways |
estLat* | Number | Optional | Estimated latitude of the Device in decimal degrees |
estLng* | Number | Optional | Estimated longitude of the Device in decimal degrees |
cfgLat | Number | Optional | Configured latitude of the Device in decimal degrees |
cfgLng | Number | Optional | Configured longitude of the Device in decimal degrees |
tags | String | Optional | A comma separated list of tags configured on this Device |
metadata | String | Optional | The metadata value configured on this Device |
devProfile | String | Optional | The name of the Profile applied to this Device |
fwVersion | String | Optional | The firmware version of this Device |
gwRxTime | String | Optional | Time the message was received by the Gateway |
* Requires contractual agreement
"ackDnMsgId": 100000,
"devClass": "A" ,
Example with RF Fields:
Batching is the process of delaying the forwarding of a notification to see if it can be grouped with other notifications going to the same endpoint. Batching is more efficient for both the Network Server and for the Customer's endpoint. Many messages can be transferred in the same time that it takes to transfer a single message.
JSON Format:
Example: Batching Disabled.
Each notification is forwarded northbound to the customer individually using the JSON object model.
{"snr": 9.25, "devEui": "000000000000000A", "datarate": 3, "dup": false, "txtime": "2020-10-19T18:58:42.721Z", "joinId": 10, "gwEui": "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF", "rssi": -57, "value1": 239, "value2": 18, "port": 1, "freq": 913.3, "pdu": "01080100EF020012", "channel": 55, "seqno": 74503}
Example: Batching Enabled.
A set of notifications received by the Network Server (within a few milliseconds of each other) are forward to the customer in a JSON Array.
{"snr": 9.25, "devEui": "000000000000000A", "datarate": 3, "dup": false, "txtime": "2020-10-19T18:58:42.721Z", "joinId": 10, "gwEui": "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF", "rssi": -57, "value1": 239, "value2": 18, "port": 1, "freq": 913.3, "pdu": "01080100EF020012", "channel": 55, "seqno": 74503},
{"snr": 8.75, "devEui": "000000000000000B", "datarate": 3, "dup": false, "txtime": "2020-10-19T18:58:42.722Z", "joinId": 1, "gwEui": "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF", "rssi": -61, "value1": 239, "value2": 18, "port": 1, "freq": 907.9, "pdu": "01080100EF020012", "channel": 28, "seqno": 23423},
{"snr": 9.25, "devEui": "000000000000000C", "datarate": 3, "dup": false, "txtime": "2020-10-19T18:58:42.723Z", "joinId": 2, "gwEui": "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF", "rssi": -55, "value1": 239, "value2": 18, "port": 1, "freq": 913.5, "pdu": "01080100EF020012", "channel": 56, "seqno": 34532},
{"snr": 8.75, "devEui": "000000000000000E", "datarate": 3, "dup": false, "txtime": "2020-10-19T18:58:42.724Z", "joinId": 1, "gwEui": "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF", "rssi": -61, "value1": 247, "value2": 18, "port": 1, "freq": 907.7, "pdu": "01080100F7020012", "channel": 27, "seqno": 76453},
{"snr": 10.75, "devEui": "000000000000000F", "datarate": 3, "dup": false, "txtime": "2020-10-19T18:58:42.725Z", "joinId": 1, "gwEui": "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF", "rssi": -60, "value1": 247, "value2": 18, "port": 1, "freq": 902.5, "pdu": "01080100F7020012", "channel": 1, "seqno": 18743}
When batching is enabled, if only one message is available to be forwarded, it will still be forwarded using the batch format.
{"snr": 9.25, "devEui": "000000000000000A", "datarate": 3, "dup": false, "txtime": "2020-10-19T18:58:42.721Z", "joinId": 10, "gwEui": "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF", "rssi": -57, "value1": 239, "value2": 18, "port": 1, "freq": 913.3, "pdu": "01080100EF020012", "channel": 55, "seqno": 74503}
Downlink API
Senet provides a simple API for sending Application downlinks to devices. In addition to the Application Payload, users can specify the LoRa-level FPort and Confirmed settings, as well as a timeout threshold for how long the Network waits until foregoing transmission or receiving acknowledgement when expected. Downlink queues support up to 3 downlinks and are cleared in one of the following ways: transmission, timeout, a newer downlink request with the 'clear' parameter set 'True', or a separate request to the Clear Downlinks API.
Notifier endpoint implementations can leverage the Downlink API in numerous ways. For example, a downlink POST request is automatically triggered in response to an uplink notification. With low-enough round-trip time between the Notifier and its endpoint, including the 'immediate' parameter set to 'True' in the downlink request ensures the Network will send it against one of the current uplink's receive windows.
When Downlink requests are successful, the response will include a unique-, numeric message identifier ('msgId'). This is distinct from the sequence number (FCntDn) allocated when a downlink is sent, allowing traceability of specific downlink Application payloads.
All Downlink API requests require an authorization key passed either as a URL parameter or in an authorization header. SenRa API keys are 44-character alpha-numeric strings with a prefix of either “AK2:” or “AK3:”. See API Key Management for more information about acquiring API Authorization Keys.
Send Downlink To Device
Resource URL
HTTP Method
Parameter | Description | Required | Default Value | Allowed Values |
eui | The Device's IEEE EUI-64 identifier. | Yes | Hexadecimal String | |
pdu | The Application payload to send. | Yes | Hexadecimal String | |
port | The LoRaWAN FPort to use in Downlink's MACPayload. | No | 1 | 1-254 |
confirmed | A flag indicating Device must acknowledge receipt of this downlink. | No | false | true or false |
timeoutMinutes | The number of minutes the Network waits until foregoing downlink transmission or receiving acknowledgement when expected. | No | 65 | Positive Integer |
clear | A flag to forego previously queued downlinks and service this downlink request. | No | false | true or false |
class | The string defining the downlink class. | No | Device Dependent | A, B, or C |
immediate | A flag indicating downlink should be sent against current uplink and not queued for the next. | No | false | true or false |
Field | Description |
message | Message indicating the status or error of the API request in plaintext. |
msgId | Message Id of the downlink being processed, only present on successful responses. |
Code | Reason | Description |
200 | Success | Request was successfully processed. |
403 | Authorization failure | Access to this resource was rejected due to an authorization issue. |
400 | Bad Request | Invalid request due to insufficient or malformed parameters. |
404 | Device EUI was not found | The Device being accessed could not be found. |
Curl Example
curl -H "authorization: <API_KEY>" -X POST "https://api.senraco.io/rest/integration/device/sendmsg?eui=AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA&pdu=0102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f&confirmed=true&port=88&timeoutMinutes=2"
Downlink API - Multicast
Send multicast downlink messages to a multicast session allowing a user specified list of Base Stations to transmit on.
Resource URL
HTTP Method
Parameter | Description | Required | Default Value | Allowed Values |
addr | The 32-bit Device address of the Device that holds the session keys. | Yes | Hexadecimal String | |
pdu | The PDU to multicast to the Device(s). | Yes | Hexadecimal String | |
port | The port (fport) to send to the Device(s). | No | 1 | 1-254 |
bstnEuis | A comma separated list of IEEE EUI-64 identifiers for Base Stations that will broadcast the multicast PDU. | Yes | Comma Separated Hexadecimal String |
Field | Description |
message | Message indicating the status or error of the API request in plaintext. |
msgId | Message Id of the downlink being processed, only present on successful responses. |
Code | Reason | Description |
200 | Success | Request was successfully processed. |
403 | Authorization failure | Access to this resource has been rejected due to an authorization issue. |
400 | Bad Request | Invalid request due to insufficient or malformed parameters. |
404 | Device EUI was not found | The Device being accessed could not be found. |
Curl Example
curl -H "authorization: <API_KEY>" -X POST "https://api.senraco.io/rest/integration/device/sendmcastmsg?addr=12FFFFFF&pdu=0102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f&bstnEuis=AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA,AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB"
Downlink API - Clear Downlinks
Clears queued downlink messages. If a specific message ID is supplied, only that downlink will be cleared, otherwise all queued messages are cleared.
Resource URL
HTTP Method
Parameter | Description | Required | Default Value | Allowed Values |
eui | The Device's IEEE EUI-64 identifier. | Yes | Hexadecimal String | |
msgId | The optional message ID of the downlink to clear. If not specified, all will be cleared. | No | Positive Integer |
Field | Description |
msgId | List of the message IDs cleared from the downlink queue. |
Code | Reason | Description |
200 | Success | Request was successfully processed. |
403 | Authorization failure | Access to this resource has been rejected due to an authorization issue. |
400 | Bad Request | Invalid request due to insufficient or malformed parameters. |
404 | Device EUI was not found | The Device being accessed could not be found. |
Curl Example
curl -H "authorization: AK2:APIKEY" -X POST "https://api.senraco.io/rest/integration/device/clearmsgs?devEui=AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA&msgId=00001"
Device Onboarding APIs
SenRa offers a series of APIs that are used to automate the process of onboarding Devices onto the SenRa Network, and facilitate the management of these Devices throughout their lifecycle. The onboarding process encompasses the Registration of Devices (loading the DevEUI/RootKey(s) onto the Join Server), followed by the Activation of those Devices (authorizing the DevEUIs to Join the network). Devices may be Deactivated once they have Joined the network or prior to Joining the network, in which case a Join attempt will be prevented. Devices that Joined the network in a Deactivated state and continue to communicate on the network, remain in a billable state until the Device is no longer communicating or is forced to re-Join the network.
The APIs were architected with the expectation the onboarding workflows are used for bulk transactions, such that the Registration, Activation and Deactivation calls would apply to a large number of Devices. To validate the completion of the workflow, calling the Task Status API is required to verify that the requested operation completes successfully prior to initiating another job request. Only one job request can run at a time per Application. Additional API calls initiated prior to the completion of a running job will result in a failure.
The Registration of 1,000 Devices would typically take around 1 second, while Registration of 10,000 Devices completes in less than 5 seconds. Activation of 1,000 Devices will take around 5 seconds and it is expected that Activation of 10,000 Devices will complete in under 40 seconds.
- Please see Overview in Device Management for detailed information on the Device Registration LifeCycle along with associating Contracts and other metadata to each Device.
Device Registration API
The first step in the onboarding process, Registration accomplishes the following:
- Provisions the Device EUI-to-Root Key(s) mappings to the appropriate Join Server.
- Initial Customer Contract association for and billing.
- Initial assignment of the Device Profile for LoRaWAN management.
Note: Registration of a Device does not transition it to an active billing state.
Note: If "Do Not Set" is selected for either Contract or Device Profile during Registration, these may set during Activation.
Note: Registration requests must be submitted with a security token. Refer to Device Registration for information about obtaining a token.
Because Registration may involve large amounts of data, this API works in conjunction with the Task Status API: responses to successful Registration requests contain a Task Job ID that can be used to monitor the progress of the Registration task. Although only one task can run per Application, Senet recommends ensuring previous operations are complete prior to initiating a new Device Management job.
Resource URL
HTTP Method
Parameter | Description | Required | Default Value | Allowed Values |
token | A value required to authenticate the Registration request. | Yes | Six digit number | |
appEui | The Application's IEEE EUI-64 identifier. | No | Application associated with the API key | Hexadecimal String |
joinEui | The Join Server's IEEE EUI-64 identifier. Required when an Application has more than one associated Join Server. | Conditional | Default Join Server for the Application | Hexadecimal String |
contractId | The Contract ID to be associated with the Devices being registered. | No | Integer | |
profId | The Device Profile ID assigned to the Devices being registered. | No | Integer | |
tags | One or more human-readable strings - separated by commas - used to group Devices. | No | Comma separated Strings | |
actType | Identifies the join method of the Devices being Registered. | No | OTAA | OTAA, ABP |
Data Object - OTAA
Field | Description | Required | Default Value | Allowed Values |
devEui | The Device's IEEE EUI-64 identifier. | Yes | Hexadecimal String | |
appKey | The Device's AES-128 root key used to derive session keys (Application Key). | Yes | Hexadecimal String | |
lat | The Device's latitude in decimal degrees. | No | Float | |
lng | The Device's longitude in decimal degrees. | No | Float | |
tags | One or more human-readable strings - separated by commas - used to group Devices. | No | Comma separated list of Strings | |
metadata | Custom information for the Device. | No | String | |
devType | The type of the Device. | No | String |
Data Object - ABP
Field | Description | Required | Default Value | Allowed Values |
devEui | The Device's IEEE EUI-64 identifier. | Yes | Hexadecimal String | |
devAddr | The network identifier used for Downlink communication and Uplink MIC validation. | No | Hexadecimal String | |
nwkSKey | The Device's AES-128 key used for Network-level communication. | No | Hexadecimal String | |
appSKey | The Device's AES-128 key used for Application-level communication. | No | Hexadecimal String | |
lat | The Device's latitude in decimal degrees. | No | Float | |
lng | The Device's longitude in decimal degrees. | No | Float | |
tags | One or more human-readable strings - separated by commas - used to group Devices. | No | Comma separated list of Strings | |
metadata | Custom information for the Device. | No | String | |
devType | The type of the Device. | No | String |
. . .
Callback Object (Optional)
A callback URL can be specified in the request to receive results after a bulk operation is complete. The server will POST the results in JSON format to the callback URL.
Field | Description | Required | Default Value | Allowed Values |
url | The callback URL. | Yes | Fully qualified URL String | |
headers | JSON object containing key-value pairs which will be added to the callback request as HTTP header fields. | No | Valid JSON object |
Curl Examples
curl -H "authorization: <API_KEY>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"data":[{"devEui":"0A00000012000001","appKey":"0ABCDEF0120000010A00000012000001","lat":42.356959, "lng":-71.053271},{"devEui":"0A00000012000002","appKey":"0ABCDEF0120000010A00000012000002","lat":42.356779, "lng":-71.065271}]}' "https://api.senraco.io/rest/integration/device/register?appEui=AAAAAAAAAAAAAA01&joinEui=AAAAAAAAAAAAAA01&contractId=<contract>&profId=<devProfile>&token=<token>&tags=test1,test2"
curl -H "authorization: <API_KEY>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"data":[{"devEui":"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF1", "devAddr":"FFFFFFF1", "appSKey":"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF", "nwkSKey":"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF", "lat":42.356959, "lng":-71.053271}, {"devEui":"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF2", "devAddr":"FFFFFFF2", "appSKey":"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF", "nwkSKey":"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF", "lat":42.356959, "lng":-71.053271}]}' "https://api.senetco.io/rest/integration/device/register?actType=ABP&appEui=AAAAAAAAAAAAAA01&joinEui=AAAAAAAAAAAAAA01&contractId=<contract>&profId=<devProfile>&token=<token>&tags=test1,test2"
Response Example
Device Activation API
Activate registered or deactivated Devices on the managed Application. An Activated Device may join the network and start uplinking.
Note: Activating a Device transitions it to an active billing state.
Because Activation may involve large amounts of data, this API works in conjunction with the Task Status API: responses to successful Activation requests contain a Task Job ID that can be used to monitor the progress of the Activation task. Although only one task can run per Application, Senet recommends ensuring previous operations are complete prior to initiating a new Device Management job.
Bulk Activation
Resource URL
HTTP Method
Parameter | Description | Required | Default Value | Allowed Values |
appEui | The Application's IEEE EUI-64 identifier. | No | Application associated with the API key | Hexadecimal String |
joinEui | The Join Server's IEEE EUI-64 identifier. Required when an Application has more than one associated Join Server. | Conditional | Default Join Server for the Application | Hexadecimal String |
contractId | The Contract ID to be associated with the Devices being activated. | No | Integer | |
profId | The Device Profile ID assigned to the Devices being activated. | No | Integer | |
tags | One or more human-readable strings - separated by commas - used to group Devices. | No | Comma separated Strings |
Data Object
Field | Description | Required | Default Value | Allowed Values |
devEui | The Device's IEEE EUI-64 identifier. | Yes | Hexadecimal String | |
lat | The Device's latitude in decimal degrees. | No | Float | |
lng | The Device's longitude in decimal degrees. | No | Float | |
tags | One or more human-readable strings - separated by commas - used to group Devices. | No | Comma separated list of Strings | |
metadata | Custom information for the Device. | No | String | |
devType | The type of the Device. | No | String | |
devClass | The classification of the Device, either Class A, B, or C. | No | CLASS_A or CLASS_B or CLASS_C |
Curl Example
curl -H "authorization: <API_KEY>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"data":[{"devEui":"0A00000012000001","lat":42.356959, "lng":-71.053271},{"devEui":"0A00000012000002","lat":42.356779, "lng":-71.065271}]}' "https://api.senraco.io/rest/integration/device/activate?appEui=AAAAAAAAAAAAAA01&joinEui=AAAAAAAAAAAAAA01&contractId=<contract>&profId=<devProfile>&token=<token>&tags=test1,test2"
Response Example
Individual Activation
Resource URL
HTTP Method
Parameter | Description | Required | Default Value | Allowed Values |
appEui | The Application's IEEE EUI-64 identifier. | No | Application associated with the API key | Hexadecimal String |
joinEui | The Join Server's IEEE EUI-64 identifier. Required when an Application has more than one associated Join Server. | Conditional | Default Join Server for the Application | Hexadecimal String |
contractId | The Contract Id assigned to the Device being activated. | No | Integer | |
profId | The Device Profile ID assigned to the Device being activated. | No | Integer | |
tags | One or more human-readable strings - separated by commas - used to group Devices. | No | Comma separated Strings | |
metadata | Custom information for the Device. | No | String | |
lat | The Device's latitude in decimal degrees. | No | Float | |
lng | The Device's longitude in decimal degrees. | No | Float | |
devType | The type of the Device. | No | String |
Curl Example
curl -H "authorization: <API_KEY>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST "https://api.senraco.io/rest/integration/device/activateOne?appEui=AAAAAAAAAAAAAA01&joinEui=AAAAAAAAAAAAAA01&contractId=<contract>&devEui=0A00000012000002&devType=WATER_SENSOR&tags=test1,test2&lat=42.356959&lng=-71.053271"
Response Example
"message":"Device successfully Activated"
Device Deactivation API
Deactivated Devices cannot join or rejoin the Network. Previously joined Devices that are Deactivated will continue uplinking in the context of their previously established security session
Note: Deactivated Devices that continue communicating on the Network are in an active billing state. The Network must not hear Deactivated Devices for a complete billing cycle to prevent billing.
Because Deactivation may involve large amounts of data, this API works in conjunction with the Task Status API: responses to successful Deactivation requests contain a Task Job ID that can be used to monitor the progress of the Deactivation task. Although only one task can run per Application, Senet recommends ensuring previous operations are complete prior to initiating a new Device Management job.
Resource URL
HTTP Method
Parameter | Description | Required | Default Value | Allowed Values |
appEui | The Application's IEEE EUI-64 identifier. | No | Application associated with the API key | Hexadecimal String |
joinEui | The Join Server's IEEE EUI-64 identifier. Required when an Application has more than one associated Join Server. | Conditional | Default Join Server for the Application | Hexadecimal String |
contractId | The Contract ID assigned to the Devices being Deactivated. | No | Integer | |
profId | The Device Profile ID assigned to the Devices being Deactivated. | No | Integer |
Data Object
Field | Description | Required | Default Value | Allowed Values |
devEui | The Device's IEEE EUI-64 identifier. | Yes | Hexadecimal String |
Curl Example
curl -H "authorization: <API_KEY>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"data":[{"devEui":"0A00000012000001"},{"devEui":"0A00000012000002"}]}' "https://api.senraco.io/rest/integration/device/deactivate?appEui=AAAAAAAAAAAAAA01&joinEui=AAAAAAAAAAAAAA01&contractId=<contract>"
Response Example
Device Update API
Update fields of Devices that have joined on the managed Application. The Devices' latitude, longitude, tags, metadata, devType, devClass, fwVer, appKey and nwkKey fields can be edited. Tags in the update can append, replace or delete existing tags based on the selected operation. The tags can be specified for individual Devices in the JSON data or for the full set of Devices in the request by using the tags parameter. The latitude and longitude values in the JSON will always replace the existing Device data.
Only one task per Application is allowed to run at the same time. The response of a successful request is a URL to GET the status of the update task. See Task Status API for more information.
Resource URL
HTTP Method
Parameter | Description | Required | Default Value | Allowed Values |
appEui | The Application's IEEE EUI-64 identifier. | Yes | Hexadecimal String | |
profId | The Device Profile ID assigned to the Devices. | No | Integer | |
tagsOperation | The action performed against the existing Device tags (only required if tags are updated). | Yes | APPEND, REPLACE or DELETE | |
tags | One or more human-readable strings - separated by commas - used to group Devices. | No | Comma separated list of Strings |
Data Object
Field | Description | Required | Default Value | Allowed Values |
devEui | The Device's IEEE EUI-64 identifier. | Yes | Hexadecimal String | |
appKey | The Device's AES-128 root key used to derive session keys (Application Key). | No | Hexadecimal String | |
nwkKey | The Device's AES-128 key used for Network-level communication (Network Key). | No | Hexadecimal String | |
lat | The Device's latitude in decimal degrees. | No | Float | |
lng | The Device's longitude in decimal degrees. | No | Float | |
tags | One or more human-readable strings - separated by commas - used to group Devices. | No | Comma separated list of Strings | |
metadata | Custom information for the Device. | No | String | |
devType | The type of the Device. | No | String | |
devClass | The classification of the Device, either Class A, B, or C. | No | CLASS_A or CLASS_B or CLASS_C | |
fwVer | The firmware version of the Device. | No | String |
"fwVer" : "1.0.0"
"fwVer" : "1.0.0"
Curl Example
curl -H "authorization: <API_KEY>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"data":[{"devEui":"123000000000ABC0",
"appKey":"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF1","nwkKey":"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF1","lat":43.0775992,"lng":-70.7596765,"tags":"tag1,tag2","devType":"WATER_SENSOR","devClass":"CLASS_B","fwVer":"1.0.0"},{"devEui":"123000000000ABC1","lat":40.7484445,"lng":-73.9878584,"tags":"tag1","devType":"WATER_SENSOR","devClass":"CLASS_C","fwVer":"1.0.0"}]}' -X POST "https://api.senraco.io/rest/integration/device/update?appEui=AAAAAAAAAAAAAA01&tagsOperation=APPEND"
Response Example
Device Export API
Export Device data from the managed Application. The data returned from the API is formatted for a CSV file.
Resource URL
HTTP Method
Parameter | Description | Required | Default Value | Allowed Values |
appEui | The Application's IEEE EUI-64 identifier. | No | Application used to generate API key | Hexadecimal String |
fields | A filter to limit the columns in the exported data. | No | devEui, contract, tags, state, lastHeardFrom | Comma separated list of Device fields |
state | A filter to export Devices based on their current state. | No | ALL | ALL, REGISTERED, ACTIVATED, DEACTIVATED, or JOINED |
psrDays | The number of days to export PSR data. | No | No PSR data | Integer value between 1 and 31 |
contractId | A filter to export Devices for a specific contract ID. | No | None | Long value |
devEuis | A comma separated list of IEEE EUI-64 identifiers of Devices to retrieve. | No | None | Comma separated list of Hexadecimal Strings |
Device Fields
The following Device fields can be used with the 'fields' parameter:
Curl Example
curl -H "authorization: <API_KEY>" "https://api.senraco.io/rest/integration/device/csvExport?fields=devEui,contract,tags,state,registrationDate,activationDate,deactivationDate,lastHeardFrom" > device_export.csv
Response Example
Dev EUI,Contract,Tags,State,Registration Date,Activation Date,Deactivation Date,Last Heard From
123000000000ABC0,99,,ACTIVATED,03/31/2017 11:37:30 PM UTC,03/31/2017 11:37:30 PM UTC,,04/03/2018 01:54:02 PM UTC
123000000000ABC1,99,,ACTIVATED,03/31/2017 11:25:49 PM UTC,03/31/2017 11:25:49 PM UTC,,04/03/2018 00:27:38 PM UTC
123000000000ABC2,99,,ACTIVATED,03/31/2017 11:04:48 PM UTC,03/31/2017 11:04:48 PM UTC,,09/25/2019 09:38:10 AM UTC
Service Metric Data Curl Example
curl -H "authorization: <API_KEY>" "https://api.senraco.io/rest/integration/device/csvExport?appEui=AAAAAAAAAAAAAA01&contractId=2&fields=devEui,contract,tags,state,registrationDate,activationDate,deactivationDate,lastHeardFrom,serviceMetrics" > service_metric_data.csv
Service Metric Data Response Example
Dev EUI,Contract,Tags,State,Registration Date,Activation Date,Deactivation Date,Last Heard From,Metric A,Metric B,Metric C
123000000000ABC0,2,"Test,tag1,tag22",ACTIVATED,03/31/2017 11:37:30 PM UTC,03/31/2017 11:37:30 PM UTC,09/03/2019 09:04:07 PM UTC,07/07/2020 02:39:46 PM UTC,80,100,100
Device Transfer API
Devices may be transferred between Accounts, specifically between Applications. Transfer between Applications belonging to the same Account is also supported.
The response to a successful Device Transfer request contains a job status URL which in turn can be used to check the progress of the transfer task. Task Status API for more information.
All Transfers are constrained by or require the following:
- Only one task per Application may run at a time.
- An API key with sufficient access for the source and as well as the destination Application. These API keys must be included in the HTTP Header as fields: Authorization (source) and Authorization2 (destination).
- The destination Application must support the Join Server(s) associated with the Devices being transferred.
- The destination Account must have access to identified Contract and Device Profile to be used by the transferred Devices.
Resource URL
HTTP Method
Parameter | Description | Required | Default Value | Allowed Values |
fromAppEui | The IEEE EUI-64 identifier for the current Application. | Yes | Hexadecimal String | |
toAppEui | The IEEE EUI-64 identifier for the new Application. | Yes | Hexadecimal String | |
contractId | The contract ID to assign to the Devices when they are moved to the new Application. | Yes | Positive Integer | |
profId | The Device Profile ID to assign to the Devices when they are moved to the new Application. | No | Application Default | Positive Integer |
Data Object
Field | Description | Required | Default Value | Allowed Values |
devEui | The IEEE EUI-64 identifier for the Device. | Yes | Hexadecimal String |
Field | Description |
message | Message indicating the status or error of the API request in plaintext. |
Code | Reason | Description |
200 | Success | Request was successfully processed. |
403 | Authorization failure | Access to this resource was rejected due to an authorization issue. |
400 | Bad Request | Invalid request due to insufficient or malformed parameters. |
404 | Device or Application EUI was not found | The Device being transfered or the Application it is being transfered to could not be found. |
Curl Example
curl -H "authorization: <CUR_APP_API_KEY>" -H "authorization2: <NEW_APP_API_KEY>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"data":[{"devEui":"0A00000012000001"},{"devEui":"0A00000012000002"}]}' -X POST "https://api.senraco.io/rest/integration/device/transfer?fromAppEui=A1A1A1A1A1A1A1A1&toAppEui=A2A2A2A2A2A2A2A2&contractId=123456"
Task Status API
Get the status of an ongoing Device Registration, Activation or Deactivation task. The Task Status API is used to confirm the preceding operation completes prior to initiating a subsequent request. The status is available for 15 minutes after the task completes.
Resource URL
HTTP Method
Parameter | Description | Required | Default Value | Allowed Values |
reqId | Identifier of the ongoing task. | Yes | Id String |
Curl Example
curl -H "authorization: <API_KEY>" "https://api.senraco.io/rest/integration/device/status?reqId=DevMgmtJobReq:AAAAAAAAAAAAAA01"
Response Example
"status":"Device activation on App EUI: AAAAAAAAAAAAAA01 completed. Activated: 0 Updated: 0 Not Changed: 0 Errors: 1",
"DevEUI: 1230000000000ABC has not been registered. The Device cannot be Activated on JoinEUI: AAAAAAAAAAAAAA01."
Status Codes
200 The task specified was successfully found. The latest status is returned.
400 The reqId parameter is missing or invalid.
403 The API key is not authorized to get the status of the task.
404 No task could be found with the requested reqId.
Response Details
Current status of the task expressed as a percentage (0 to 100).
Current state of the task.
DONE_SUC | The task finished successfully. |
DONE_FAIL | An internal server exception occurred while running the task. |
INITIAL | The task has been created and is waiting to be queued. |
QUEUED | The task has been queued and is waiting to be run. |
RUNNING | The task is running. |
Summary of the task after completion.
Registered | Number of Devices successfully registered. |
Activated | Number of Devices successfully Activated. |
Deactivated | Number of Devices successfully deactivated. |
Updated | Number of Device appKeys updated. |
Not Changed | Number of Devices in the request that did not change. |
Errors | Number of errors that occurred. |
Messages describing any errors that occurred while running the task.
Registration Messages | |
An internal server error occurred while registering Devices. <NUM_SKIPPED> Devices were skipped. |
Activation Messages | |
The AppKey for DevEUI: <DEV_EUI> has been updated. Old AppKey: <APP_KEY> New AppKey: <APP_KEY>. | |
DevEUI: <DEV_EUI> has not been registered. The Device cannot be Activated on JoinEUI: <JOIN_EUI>. | |
An internal server error occurred while activating DevEUI: <DEV_EUI>. | |
DevEUI: <DEV_EUI> has already joined on AppEUI: <APP_EUI>. The Device cannot be Activated on AppEUI: <APP_EUI>. | |
DevEUI: <DEV_EUI> was already Activated on AppEUI: <APP_EUI>. The Device cannot be Activated on AppEUI: <APP_EUI>. | |
An internal server error occurred while activating Devices. |
Deactivation Messages | |
DevEUI: <DEV_EUI> has not been registered. The Device cannot be deactivated. | |
An internal server error occurred while deactivating Devices. |
Allows users to initiate-, cancel-, or check the status of a FUOTA task targeting a set of Devices associated to the same Application. Each of these actions has a distinct resource URL with corresponding parameters, detailed below.
FUOTA Task Initiation
Resource URL
HTTP Method
Parameter | Description | Required | Default Value | Allowed Values |
appEui | The Application's IEEE EUI-64 identifier for the Device FUOTA task. | Yes | Hexadecimal String | |
devEuis | A comma separated list of IEEE EUI-64 identifiers of Devices targeted by the FUOTA task. | No | Comma Separated Hexadecimal String | |
devTags | A list of keyword tags used to identify the Devices targeted by the FUOTA task (devEuis param must be empty). | No | Comma Separated Tag Names | |
startDelaySecs | The delay in seconds before initiating the FUOTA task: should allow enough time for the Network Server to establish multicast sessions with all targeted Devices. | Yes | Positive Integer | |
txChnl | The channel used for the multicast transmit to the Devices. | No | Class C: RX2 Channel, Class B: Regional Default i.e., Frequency Hopping (US, AU) or RX 2 Channel (EU, IN, AS) | Positive Integer, Valid Channel For Regional ISM Band |
txDr | The datarate used for the multicast transmit to the Devices. | No | RX2 DR | Positive Integer, Valid Datarate For Regional ISM Band |
contractId | The Contract ID used to determine how the Customer is billed by SenRa for the FUOTA events. | No | Default Contract ID for the Application | Positive Integer, Valid Contract ID for Application |
fragAlg | The algorithm used to fragment the file. | No | FWD_ERR_CORR | FWD_ERR_CORR - The forward error correction algorithm defined in the TS004 – Fragmented Data Block Transport specification. NB_TRANS - A complete retransmit of each packet. |
fragPkgVer | The FUOTA version implemented by the targeted group of Devices. Versions 1.0 and 2.0 are incompatible. | No | 1 | 1,2 |
devClass | The operational mode of the targeted Devices for the duration of the multicast session. | No | C | B/C |
redundancy | The amount of file redundancy used when transmitting the fragments. 1.0 = 100%. | Yes | Double value from 0 – 1.0. | |
millisBetweenPkts | The forced delay in milliseconds between fragment transmits, in order to accommodate Devices with longer write constraints. | No | 5000 | Positive Integer |
descriptor | The 4-byte value provided to the multicast group that describes the file to be sent. | No | 00000000 | Hexadecimal String |
"Request Body" | The binary file to be multicast to the targeted Devices. | Yes | A firmware file to send to Devices. | |
useMultiPkg | This may be set to true if the targeted Devices support the LoRaWAN Multi Package Access Protocol as defined by LoRa-Alliance's FUOTA Working Group. | No | false | true, false |
maxFragSize | The value that allows the caller to specify the maximum fragment size to send to the Device. This may be needed by Devices that have such restrictions as fragment size must be in multiples of 8 bytes. | No | 0 - Not limited | 0-253 |
Curl Example
curl -H "authorization: <API_KEY>" --insecure -X POST -F "file=@patch-to_new.bin" "https://api.senraco.io/rest/integration/mcastTransfer?appEui=AAAAAAAAAAAAAA01&devEuis=123000000000ABC0,123000000000ABC1&devClass=C&txChnl=7&txDr=13&startDelaySecs=120&fragAlg=FWD_ERR_CORR&redundancy=1.0&millisBetweenPkts=4000&contractId=20"
Response Example
"responseMsg":"MCastXferJobReq job starting in: 00:01:59",
FUOTA Task Cancellation
Resource URL
HTTP Method
Parameter | Description | Required | Default Value | Allowed Values |
jobID | The unique identifier of the FUOTA transfer job that is ongoing. | No* | String | |
appEui | The Application's IEEE EUI-64 identifier of an existing Device FUOTA task. | No* | Hexadecimal String | |
devEuis | A comma separated list of IEEE EUI-64 identifiers of Devices to cancel the FUOTA transfer for. | No* | Comma Separated Hexadecimal String | |
devTags | The list of keyword tags used to identify the Devices to cancel the FUOTA transfer for (devEuis must be empty). | No* | Comma Separated Tag Names |
*Conditionally required. Either a Job ID OR a combination of an Application EUI and a list of Device EUIs or tags is required.
Curl Examples
curl -H "authorization: <API_KEY>" --insecure -X POST "https://api.senraco.io/rest/integration/mcastCancel?jobId=MCastXferJobReq:AAAAAAAAAAAAAA01"
curl -H "authorization: <API_KEY>" --insecure -X POST "https://api.senraco.io/rest/integration/mcastCancel?appEui=AAAAAAAAAAAAAA01&devEuis=123000000000ABC0,123000000000ABC1"
Response Example
"responseMsg":"MCastXferJobReq job cancelled.",
FUOTA Task Status
Resource URL
HTTP Method
Parameter | Description | Required | Default Value | Allowed Values |
jobID | The unique identifier of the FUOTA transfer job that is ongoing. | No* | String | |
appEui | The Application's IEEE EUI-64 identifier of the FUOTA task to get status for. | No* | Hexadecimal String |
*Conditionally required. Either a Job ID OR an Application EUI is required to get the status for a pending or running FUOTA job.
Curl Examples
curl -H "authorization: <API_KEY>" --insecure "https://api.senraco.io/rest/integration/mcastStatus?jobId=MCastXferJobReq:AAAAAAAAAAAAAA01"
curl -H "authorization: <API_KEY>" --insecure "https://api.senraco.io/rest/integration/mcastStatus?appEui=AAAAAAAAAAAAAA01"
Response Example
Multicast API
Allows users to setup-, modify-, check the status of-, send downlinks to-, and remove a Multicast Group targeting a set of Devices associated to the same Application. Each of these actions has a distinct resource URL with corresponding parameters, detailed below.
Multicast Group Setup
Resource URL
HTTP Method
Parameter | Description | Required | Default Value | Allowed Values |
appEui | The Application's IEEE EUI-64 identifier for the Devices to be added to the Multicast Group. | Yes | Hexadecimal String | |
devEuis | A comma separated list of IEEE EUI-64 identifiers of Devices to be added to the Multicast Group. | No* | Comma Separated Hexadecimal String | |
devTags | A list of keyword tags used to identify the Devices to add to the Multicast Group (devEuis must be empty). | No* | Comma Separated Tag Names | |
txChnl | The channel used for the multicast transmits to the Devices. | No | Class C: RX2 Channel, Class B: Regional Default i.e., Frequency Hopping (US, AU) or RX 2 Channel (EU, IN, AS) | Positive Integer, Valid Channel For Regional ISM Band |
txDr | The datarate used for the multicast transmit to the Devices. | No | RX2 DR | Positive Integer, Valid Datarate For Regional ISM Band |
contractId | The Contract ID used to determine how the Customer is billed by SenRa for the downlinks sent to the Multicast Group. | No | Positive Integer, Valid Contract ID for Application | |
devClass | The operational mode of the targeted Devices for the duration of the multicast session. | No | C | B/C |
type | The Multicast Group type. Use D2D for Device to Device communication. Use APP for Application Server to Device multicast communication. | No | D2D | D2D/APP |
periodicity | The Class B ping slot periodicity for the Multicast Group. | No | 3 | Integer value from 0 – 7. |
*Conditionally required. Either a list of Device EUIs OR a list of Device tags is required.
Curl Example
curl -H "authorization: <API_KEY>" --insecure -X POST "https://api.senraco.io/rest/integration/mcast/setup?appEui=AAAAAAAAAAAAAA01&devEuis=DEDEDEDEDEDEDE00,DEDEDEDEDEDEDE01&devClass=C&txChnl=7&txDr=13&type=D2D"
Response Example
Add Devices To Existing Multicast Group
Resource URL
HTTP Method
Parameter | Description | Required | Default Value | Allowed Values |
appEui | The Application's IEEE EUI-64 identifier for the Devices to be added to the existing Multicast Group. | Yes | Hexadecimal String | |
type | The Multicast Group type. | No | D2D/APP | |
mcAddr | The 32-bit Device Address currently assigned to the existing Multicast Group. | Yes | Hexadecimal String | |
devEuis | A comma separated list of IEEE EUI-64 identifiers of Devices to add to the existing Multicast Group. | No* | Comma Separated Hexadecimal String | |
devTags | A list of keyword tags used to identify the Devices to add to the existing Multicast Group (devEuis must be empty). | No* | Comma Separated Tag Names |
*Conditionally required. Either a list of Device EUIs OR a list of Device tags is required.
Curl Example
curl -H "authorization: <API_KEY>" --insecure -X POST "https://api.senraco.io/rest/integration/mcast/addDevices?appEui=AAAAAAAAAAAAAA01&mcAddr=BBBBBB01&devEuis=DEDEDEDEDEDEDD03,DEDEDEDEDEDEDD04"
Response Example
Remove Devices From Existing Multicast Group
Resource URL
HTTP Method
Parameter | Description | Required | Default Value | Allowed Values |
appEui | The Application's IEEE EUI-64 identifier for the Devices to be removed from the existing Multicast Group. | Yes | Hexadecimal String | |
type | The Multicast Group type. | No | D2D/APP | |
mcAddr | The 32-bit Device Address currently assigned to the existing Multicast Group. | Yes | Hexadecimal String | |
devEuis | A comma separated list of IEEE EUI-64 identifiers of Devices to remove from the existing Multicast Group. | No* | Comma Separated Hexadecimal String | |
devTags | A list of keyword tags used to identify the Devices to remove from to the existing Multicast Group (devEuis must be empty). | No* | Comma Separated Tag Names |
*Conditionally required. Either a list of Device EUIs OR a list of Device tags is required.
Curl Example
curl -H "authorization: <API_KEY>" --insecure -X POST "https://api.senraco.io/rest/integration/mcast/removeDevices?appEui=AAAAAAAAAAAAAA01&mcAddr=BBBBBB01&devEuis=DEDEDEDEDEDEDD03,DEDEDEDEDEDEDD04"
Response Example
Multicast Group Status
Resource URL
HTTP Method
Parameter | Description | Required | Default Value | Allowed Values |
appEui | Application EUI that the Multicast Group was created for. | Yes | Hexadecimal String | |
type | The Multicast Group type. | No | D2D/APP | |
mcAddr | The 32-bit Device Address currently assigned to the existing Multicast Group. | Yes | Hexadecimal String |
Curl Examples
curl -H "authorization: <API_KEY>" --insecure "https://api.senraco.io/rest/integration/mcast/status?appEui=AAAAAAAAAAAAAA01&mcAddr=BBBBBB01"
Response Example
Send Downlink To Multicast Group
Resource URL
HTTP Method
Parameter | Description | Required | Default Value | Allowed Values |
appEui | The Application's IEEE EUI-64 identifier for the Multicast Group of Devices that will receive the downlink message. | Yes | Hexadecimal String | |
type | The Multicast Group type. | No | D2D/APP | |
mcAddr | The 32-bit Device Address for the Multicast Group of Devices that will receive the downlink message. | Yes | Hexadecimal String | |
pdu | The Application payload to send to the Device(s). | Yes | Hexadecimal String | |
port | The LoRaWAN FPort to use in Downlink's MACPayload. | No | 1 | 1-254 |
Curl Example
curl -H "authorization: <API_KEY>" --insecure -X POST "https://api.senraco.io/rest/integration/mcast/sendmsg?appEui=AAAAAAAAAAAAAA01&mcAddr=BBBBBB01&pdu=0102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f"
Response Example
Multicast Group Removal
Resource URL
HTTP Method
Parameter | Description | Required | Default Value | Allowed Values |
appEui | The Application's IEEE EUI-64 identifier for the Multicast Group of Devices that will be deleted. | Yes | Hexadecimal String | |
type | The Multicast Group type. | No | D2D/APP | |
mcAddr | The 32-bit Device Address for the Multicast Group of Devices that will be deleted. | Yes | Hexadecimal String |
Curl Examples
curl -H "authorization: <API_KEY>" --insecure -X POST "https://api.senraco.io/rest/integration/mcast/delete?appEui=AAAAAAAAAAAAAA01&mcAddr=BBBBBB01"
Response Example