Base Station FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions about Base Stations and Base Station software.

Base Station

How do I register a Base Station?

Please see the Base Station Registration page.

Where is the serial number for a MultiTech Conduit?

The Serial is printed on the upper left side of the label found on the bottom of the Conduit. The serial number can also be retrieved using the Conduit's CLI.

Issue the following command from the Conduit's console:

root@00-11-22-33-44-55-66-77:~# mts-io-sysfs show device-id


What firewall ports do I need to open for my Base Station?

Below are tables of ports used by the Base Station to communicate with the SenRa Network, depending on which packet forwarding software is configured.

SenRa Packet Forwarder

FQDN Port Protocol Direction Usage 443 HTTPS Outbound Base Station Registation 8443 HTTPS Outbound LoRa Messages 22 SSH Outbound Secure Remote Management (OBM) ICMP Outbound Network Administration 80/443 HTTP/HTTPS Outbound Firmware Upgrades
NTP (Time Synch) 123 NTP Outbound Time Synchronization
DNS 53 DNS Outbound Domain Resolution

Semtech Basic Station Packet Forwarder

Semtech Basic Station will use ports 6042,6044 or 6038,6040, depending on the authentication mode configured.

FQDN Port Protocol Direction Usage 6042,6044 TCP Inbound/Outbound TLS Secured LoRa Messages 6038,6040 TCP Inbound/Outbound Unsecured LoRa Messages
NTP (Time Synch) 123 NTP Outbound Time Synchronization
DNS 53 DNS Outbound Domain Resolution

Semtech Packet Forwarder

FQDN Port Protocol Direction Usage 1700 UDP Inbound/Outbound LoRa Messages
NTP (Time Synch) 123 NTP Outbound Time Synchronization
DNS 53 DNS Outbound Domain Resolution

How do I stop or start the SenRa Packet Forwarder?

Stop the SenRa Packet Forwarder

  1. Connect to the Base Station through a local console session (or through SSH)
  2. From the home directory, execute the following command to stop the SenRa Packet Forwarder

    ./ stop

    If does not exist, the Base Station is running an older version of software. From the home directory, execute the following command instead

    ./ stop

    This will stop all running SenRa processes and allow for an additional packet forwarder application to run without contention.

Start the SenRa Packet Forwarder

  1. Connect to the Base Station through a local console session (or through SSH)
  2. From the home directory, execute the following command to start the SenRa Packet Forwarder

    ./ start

    If does not exist, the Base Station is running an older version of software. From the home directory, execute the following command instead

    ./ start

How do I uninstall the SenRa Packet Forwarder?

Uninstall SenRa Packet Forwarder

  1. Connect to the Base Station through a local console session (or through SSH)
  2. Navigate to the following directory

    cd /opt/bstn/bin
  3. Execute the following command to uninstall the SenRa Packet Forwarder


I updated my Base Station Operating System and I can no longer connect to the SenRa Network

On some platforms when the Base Station operating system is updated, the update will factory reset the Base Station which will remove the SenRa Base Station Software. To re-install the SenRa Network Software please follow these steps.

  1. Delete your Base Station from the dashboard. See Dashboard for help deleting a Base Station.
  2. Register your Base Station. This will initiate the process to re-register the Base Station on the SenRa Network. In the "Installation Notes" section please indicate you have updated your OS and need to re-install the SenRa Base Station Software.
  3. Install the SenRa Base Station Software

Installation FAQ

What do I do if my install fails?

If your installation fails there are a few common things to check.

Date and Time

One of the most common issues is the system date and time is not correct. Because of this our installer cannot properly verify the certificate used to download the software.

Check the Date by issuing "date". The date returned should be today's current date and time.

If NTP is running (if not running skip to Manual time sync):

root@mtcdt:~# ps -eadf |grep -i ntp
root       430     1  0 Sep07 ?        04:00:18 /usr/sbin/ntpd -p /var/run/ -g
root     19051 19008  0 12:25 pts/0    00:00:00 grep -i ntp

Stop the NTP process:

/etc/init.d/ntpd stop

Manually sync the time:

root@mtcdt:~# ntpdate
27 May 16:21:11 ntpdate[7278]: step time server offset -461.417724 sec

Verify Date/Time is correct:

root@mtcdt:~# date
Tues Oct  27 16:28:34 UTC 2020

Start NTP:

root@mtcdt:~# /etc/init.d/ntpd start

Verify NTP is running:

root@mtcdt:~# ps -eadf |grep -i ntp
root       430     1  0 Sep07 ?        04:00:18 /usr/sbin/ntpd -p /var/run/ -g
root     19051 19008  0 12:25 pts/0    00:00:00 grep -i ntp

Privileged access

Some platforms may require you to have root access to run the installer. If your install fails the installer may indicate this in its error message.

To gain root access issue the following command, then re-try the installer

sudo su