Usage API Reference

The Usage REST APIs allow system administrators to retrieve usage data for each of their Applications and Applications they manage. An API key is required to authenticate with this API. API keys are created and managed in the API Keys view.

Response types vary from method to method.


The keys required for Usage API access and Onboarding API access are different, i.e. An Onboarding API key will not grant access to the Usage APIs and vice versa.

Details API

Returns the details of all usage data for a given Application, month, and year.

Resource URL

HTTP Method



Parameter Description Required Default Value Allowed Values
eui The IEEE EUI-64 identifier for the LoRa Application. Yes Hexadecimal String
month The month to retrieve usage data for. Yes 1-12
year The year to retrieve usage data for. Yes 1 1-XXXX


Content-Type: text/csv This web service returns a file containing all the devices on the Application and their usage statistics.

See Application Details File for descriptions of the field data in the CSV file.

Code Reason Description
200 Success Request was successfully processed
403 Authorization failure Access to this resource has been rejected due to an authorization issue
400 Bad Request Invalid request due to insufficient or malformed parameters
404 Application or File not found Indicates that either the given Application cannot be found or there is no usage data for the given month/year

Curl Example

curl -X GET \
  '<EUI>&year=<YEAR>&month=<MONTH>' -H 'Authorization: <API_KEY_TO_USE>'

Contracts API

Returns the per contract usage data for a given Application, month, and year.

Resource URL

HTTP Method



Parameter Description Required Default Value Allowed Values
eui The IEEE EUI-64 identifier for the LoRa Application. Yes Hexadecimal String
month The month to retrieve usage data for. Yes 1-12
year The year to retrieve usage data for. Yes 1 1-XXXX


Content-Type: text/csv This WS returns a file containing all the contracts on the application and their usage statistics.

See Application Contracts File for descriptions of the field data in the CSV file.

Code Reason Description
200 Success Request was successfully processed
403 Authorization failure Access to this resource has been rejected due to an authorization issue
400 Bad Request Invalid request due to insufficient or malformed parameters
404 Application or File not found Indicates that either the given Application cannot be found or there is no usage data for the given month/year

Curl Example

curl -X GET \
  '<EUI>&year=<YEAR>&month=<MONTH>' -H 'Authorization: <API_KEY_TO_USE>'